(Psalm 91:1)- “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”
When I was a child, I used to love playing games outside with my neighborhood friends. One of my all-time favorite games was “Hide and Seek”. I enjoyed the thrill of running through the yard; looking for a space to hide. I remember the excitement and rush I felt as I heard the countdown – 5-4-3-2-1 and saying “ready or not, here I come”. Sometimes, as my friends and I were waiting to be found, my father would surprisingly join in the fun. I remember how He would pass by and see us hiding in our secret places. He would wave as he walked by, signaling us to quietly come out and hide behind him in His shadow and he would help us safely get to home base.
As I reminisce on my childhood memory, I reflect on our Heavenly Father who gently invites His children to come into His presence and find refuge in Him. All throughout the bible, God reveals Himself and character through his names. One powerful reference in Old Testament is “Abba”; a term of endearment that signifies a close, intimate relationship of a father to his child, as well as the childlike trust that a child puts in his or her “daddy.
As God’s child, you have direct access to Him at all times. You can confidently call upon “The All-Sufficient One” and “Most High God” and trust Him to guard your heart and be a covering over your life. He desires to protect, nourish, and satisfy your soul.
Rest assured. You have a wonderful and attentive parent in God. He is not one that slumbers or blinks. He never looks away or misses any detail of your life; including the number of hairs on your head. Your Abba Father is “El Roi” that means “the God who sees me.” He is so watchful and knows your past, present, and future – all at the same time.
In every moment, He knows where you are. He sees the little girl within each of us, hiding our conditions of discouragement, brokenness, fear, and shame. He sees the REAL you and wants to HEAL you. No matter where you find yourself and whatever your experience has been – Your Father loves you unconditionally and eternally. You are His.
Our Heavenly Father lovingly uses things, people, and situations to get our attention -signaling us to abide in Him. It is in the abiding, that our child’s-eye view lifts upward and our faith soars high. It is in the abiding, that we slip our hands into His and are overshadowed by the warmth of His love, joy, and peace. As we are transformed by His presence, we bear witness that He is our God because we have learned to trust and rest securely in Him.