Last year, I was faced with one the most scariest experiences in my life.
I was going through my normal routine; getting settled after work- lying down watching Netflix. While lying down I was led to give myself a breast examination (something all women should do quite often). I checked one boob- all clear. Checked the other one, paused…because I felt something strange.
I continued to feel a small knot (similar to a marble) move around from the force of my fingers. I stopped instantly and went into denial (That’s nothing. Nothing is there.) Checked again, something was really there. Immediately, my heart dropped. It was harder for me to breathe- I was freaking out.
I wanted to call someone, but it was too late. I didn’t want to wake my parents (who lived three hours away) because I knew it would worry them and they wouldn’t be able to get any rest. Especially my mom (recent breast cancer survivor). My boyfriend (two hours away) was long gone to sleep as well. I didn’t want to call and disturb his rest either.
So I laid there feeling scared and all alone. Then, I finally remembered I am never alone because I have Jesus Christ. I began to pray. I prayed for my body and prayed that God would comfort me so that I be able to rest in Him. And that’s’ exactly what He did!
I woke up the next morning reaching for my chest hoping it was a bad dream but it wasn’t. I broke the news to my family and boyfriend. My mom wanted me to go the doctor the same day, but it wasn’t that simple. I had a full time job in a major city that I was still getting accustomed to.
I tried to schedule appointments locally but kept running into road blocks. So I reverted to placing an appointment with my home clinic. I had a one week waiting period.
During this period, I came to work so heavy with the burden I was carrying. One day, unknowingly it was showing all over my face. When one of my team members asked what was wrong; uncontrollably, I began to cry- that was my first time acknowledging the situation emotionally.
The ladies quickly covered me with their love and encouraged me with their testimonies. I was strengthened again. My family members, pastor, co-pastor, and close friends continued to pray for me, encouraged me, and sent healing scriptures I could lean on and hide in my heart.
I fasted faithfully (everyday) before every doctor’s appointment and surgery. Yet, again I found myself having a pity-party and crying hysterically: Asking myself what if I have cancer? – letting the enemy get the best of me.
In the midst of my crying God led one of my best friends to text my phone and speak life back into me.
This reminded me of a few important things…
1. It is truly important that the people you surround yourself with that claim to care about you are people who can pray for you when you are too weak to pray for yourself.
2. It’s important that your “loving” boyfriend can lead you into the word of God when your faith seems like it’s dwindling.
3. It’s critical that you have a family or church family that can lay hands and rebuke the sickness in your body- or even you.
4. It’s important that you don’t lose sight of God, and know that there is nothing too hard for Him! To know there is no limits when God is in it! During this season I truly learned to trust God even more.
And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. – Romans 8:28
You can’t focus in on the situation. Yet, look at the situation through God’s eyes- knowing this is something way bigger than you! Knowing everything works together for the good of the those who love the Lord and called according to his purpose.
Find comfort in knowing that once you come through your situation you will be a victor and you will be shifting to the next level spiritually, mentally, and physically.
Know that God will never allow you to go through more on you than HE can bare.
Most importantly, know that God loves you so so much.
Sharing your testimony will give others hope, ignite their faith, and glorify our Father in Heaven!
God HEALED me! My tumor was benign, Fibroadenomas. I had a blessed surgery and recovery process. He was with me every step of the way! I was healed by Jesus’s stripes and you are too! Keep the faith!
Then he said to them, “Go your way. Eat the fat and drink sweet wine and send portions to anyone who has nothing ready, for this day is holy to our Lord. And do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.” – Nehemiah 8:10
Praise Him in the middle of your storm. You cannot let the enemy take your joy. The joy of the Lord is your strength .
Even though I was uncertain of what my future held, I continued to sing song of praises! I took full advantage on Sunday’s and during bible study to get into the presence of God and worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24)!
I continued to tithe and give offerings cheerfully (II Corinthians 9:6-7). I continued to lay flat on my face in my prayer closet! This was all during the waiting period which seemed like eternity. By staying in God’s presence He was able to regulate my mind and give me peace which surpasses all understanding (Philippians 4:6-7).
In the meantime, I challenge you to evaluate your close friends and significant other. Does the Holy Spirt live inside of them? Are they producing fruit within their life? Is it for God they live and for God they die? Can they stand in the gap for you when you need prayer the most?
Now evaluate yourself. What are you doing now to be the change you want to see?
I pray my testimony was able to touch at least one soul.
Be encouraged in your waiting period.