The bible states in 2 Corinthians 3:17, “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” The presence of God in your home has the ability to calm fears, eradicate unnecessary attitudes, and also keep everyone focused on the important things in life. Sustaining a Godly atmosphere in your home can positively affect your marriage in more ways than one. Here are 3 ways to have a Godly atmosphere at home.
1. Pray every morning.
“Always be joyful, never stop praying. ” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17
Prayer has to be your steering wheel, and not your spare tire. It is very easy to fall into the trap of using prayer only when things are going bad versus making it a daily part of your day. Each morning my wife and I, before we awake, say a short 30 second prayer over one another to set the tone for the rest of our day. It was a challenge to do it at first, but now it has become an expected moment we have each morning. Prayer is not an option, it is an requirement that will cause you and your spouse to focus on one another’s deeper issues and be able to give them to God.
2. Wash the dirty laundry.
To make her holy and clean, washed by the Cleansing of God’s word.” Ephesians 5:26
I’m not sure how you run things in your home, but dirty laundry can only sit for so long before it begins to smell through the whole house. This is the same with built up frustrations, issues, or disagreements that have not been dealt with. This truly disrupts the atmosphere of a home, because just like laundry can smell overtime, suppressed issues can as well. This can promote secrecy, lies, and many other actions to come forth when there hasn’t been a fresh moment of opportunity to wash those things through. This should be done at best once a week and at minimum every two weeks. An intentional time to talk and voice a no judgment, no offense, full of unconditional love honest conversation.
3. Study the Bible together.
For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.” Hebrews 4:12
A couple that learns together, takes the World together. Studying the word of God not only helps you in your own personal relationship with God, but it also gives you and your spouse an opportunity to connect in a new way. This has been a challenge for my wife and I because I work in full time ministry, so due to my vocation, I’m in the Word each week during my own time. But, I have seen the effects of us not reading the bible together. We are not as focused on what’s most important as believers, ultimately causing us to get into petty arguments that do matter for eternity. Studying the Word together will transform your marriage because it invites in the Sword of the Spirit to divide up all unnecessary thoughts that can cause division between you and your spouse.