While in college, I decided that since I enjoy helping people, have a passion for public speaking, and love advocating fiercely for the rights of others then I should become a lawyer.
Thus, I applied and attended law school. I sat through the egregious hours of preparing for the New York state bar exam and thank God, I passed. Following law school, I took my first job as a lawyer at one of the big four accounting firms in New York City.
I was so excited to be in the big apple. I thought law was my only calling but little did I know, God had a greater plan.
After moving to NYC, my social life became more important than my faith. I would struggle to make it to church on Sunday because I had been out partying the night before.
As I navigated the subways and crowds of people, I began to feel an increasing void on the inside and felt so far from God even though I longed to be near him again.
In the midst of the partying and drunkenness, I was involved in all kinds of wrong relationships, trying to find the “one.” I even cut my hair short thinking a new hairstyle would change everything but I was still empty.
I was making great money, was able to travel to different cities for work, and thought maybe I could enjoy the finer things in life.
However, as I would try to fall asleep at night, the restlessness in my soul became more and more real.
As I laid down in my little Harlem studio, I began to hear Gods voice again saying “You are trying to find your purpose in all these things and in your career but your true purpose can only be found in me.”
I began to pray, “Lord, please help me.” I began to cry out to God telling him that I was tired of dating counterfeit guys, tired of my job which paid well but I truly hated the work itself and was tired of the fake and disingenuous people surrounding me.
I told God I truly needed him and that I wanted to His will for my life. While on my knees, I cried out to God and told him that I didn’t want to pretend to be happy for social media, I wanted to truly be happy and to fulfill his plan for my life.
The next couple of months after that, I broke things off with a guy I was dating, began to attend church consistently again, spent most of my free time sitting at the feet of Jesus rather than hanging out with friends and began to ask God to help me find a job where I could truly help people like I wanted to do when first attending law school.
God began to show me that He would use me in law but more importantly He wanted to use me in ministry and particularly in ministering to women!
As I began to spend time with God, He showed me that my current position, where I work as a special education lawyer, is preparing me for the greater purpose and plan that He has for my life and that He is building character and perseverance in me through being a lawyer!
So the question is, do I see the manifestation of these promises yet. The answer is not yet but I believe that God will fulfill His plans for my life!
I believe and declare that I will walk in God’s purpose for my life which also includes writing my first book, preaching to women all over the world, and starting my YouTube channel.
Even as I continue practicing law in my current role, I believe that God is preparing me for something so much greater than law! He has anointed me and I will walk in those good works He prepared for me even before I was formed in my mothers womb!
The same is true for you sis! God will perfect that which concerns you! In his timing, He will fulfill His plans and purpose for your life!
Just because you are at a job that isn’t what you envision for yourself, still be faithful and watch God bless you!
It’s all part of his process and God has you sis! Trust Him and lean not to your own understanding! Say yes to Gods plan, knowing that it is so much better than your own!
- When God Reveals Your Purpose… Will You Say Yes? - December 6, 2018