I had my bathroom redone a few years ago and so the tiles on the walls are fairly new. Today as I went about the task of cleaning them, for whatever reason, I just could not get a few of the stains between the tiles to move. I went into my arsenal and got out all the name-brand cleaners. I tried every single one – sprayed and let soak. I noticed, however, that instead of removing the stains, they actually turned the area white (due to the bleach). Maybe I had used too many cleaners or maybe I had used too much of one. I had no idea but one thing was for sure the stain was still there but just covered up. As I pondered my next move since I now had a blotchy bathroom, the Lord dropped this into my spirit.
To the non-christian
The bathroom is the equivalent of your life. The stain in-between the tiles is the mark of sin. Your life is stained with sin and you really want to turn things around. You’re probably convicted but instead of turning things over fully to God, you run to and from looking for (and maybe finding) quick-fixes which instead of truly fixing the sin in your life just cover them up. Maybe some of these fixes backfired and made things worse. You’re at a crossroad and wondering your next move. I’m here to tell you that God is patiently waiting with open arms to welcome you. Run to Him and let Him remove all of the sin-stains in your life and make you brand new, filled with His spirit and to be used to His glory.
To the Christian
The equivalence is the same. Maybe you are struggling with a particular sin and you’re doing everything in YOUR power to fix it and you just can’t overcome it. You’ve tried everything within your human power but nothing works. It’s time to turn it over to God. Remember 1 Peter 5:7 “Casting all your care on Him for he careth for you”. God is patiently waiting.
Be blessed today!