When your day starts with prayer and ends with prayer, there’s no need to worry about anything else in between.
Author: Alicia Mckenzie
Choose Faith Over Fear! It is only through Christ alone that we gain the strength to conquer Faith over Fear and Bravery over Weakness.
Whatever it is you’re worrying about today… I want to encourage you to be still and know that God is already working it out.
nor Dear Single Ladies, In a world where a date can be set-up at the drive through pace of social…
Going through trials and tribulations?… Just know there’s nothing that you are facing now, that God cannot restore, deliver or redeem.
Not everyone will be happy about your happiness. Pay more attention to your creator than your critics.
If certain people keep reminding you of your past, don’t hesitate to make them a part of it.
Here are 5 ways to know if you are chasing a man and 5 key verses to keep you stay grounded in your relationship with Christ first.
Sometimes we stay in relationships longer than we should. But how do you know when it’s time to let him go? Here are 5 ways to know it’s time to let him go…
Godly friendships will show us a selfless attitude of, “how can I serve you?” Here are 4 Benefits of Godly Friendships…