Christian Lifestyle Blogs Get Lean With ProteinBy The Praying Woman Protein is a calorie sizzler, an immunity booster and the holy grail of a healthy, strong body. But you need…
Wellness Is Your Baby At Risk? Study Shows the Dangers of Prolonged Use of Bottles & PacifiersBy The Praying Woman Babies are in more danger than you would expect, but not for reasons you may suspect. A new study shows…
Beauty / Fashion Tyra Banks Speaks Out Against Eating DisordersBy The Praying Woman Tyra Banks is saluting Vogue’s 19 international editions for pledging to promote healthy body image, but she says real evolution…
Trending Woman Loses Arms & Legs After Getting Fake Butt InjectionsBy The Praying Woman April Brown was once a cosmetologist, fashion designer, and working mother of two daughters. She’s now a multiple amputee. Unlicensed…
News / Entertainment Talk Show “The View” Chats About Gluttony In The ChurchBy The Praying Woman I think we sometimes focus on some of the more obvious sins that we sometimes forget about the most…
Food Foods To Avoid If You’re Trying To Get PregnantBy The Praying Woman Pregnancy and childbearing takes a lot of planning and preparation. This involves physical, emotional and psychological toning for the couple.…