Every profession has a code of conduct by which they operate.
It is a set of expectations, standards, and norms. To put it plainly, it’s the morals and ethics of the profession.
Believe it or not the Bible gives Christian women business owners a code of conduct, too! Today we’re going to dive into it!
All throughout our time in school, one of the first books we received as students, on the first day of school, was the “Student Code of Conduct.”
It was a booklet that outlined the expectations of student behavior in the school, classroom, and school-sponsored events (like sports, debate team, field trips, etc.).
It also went into detail the possible repercussions for not adhering to the student code of conduct.
It was heavily detailed and LONG! One thing is for sure, no stone of expected student conduct was overlooked. There were no excuses for misbehavior or breaking the student code of conduct.
What if I told you the Bible gives every business owner a code of conduct? It outlines your expected behavior for running your business, as a Christian and member of the Kingdom of God.
Here it is: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (ESV) 16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Even though this outlines a type of ‘code of conduct,’ I also like to think of it as character-building principles. Walking in this level of conduct, daily, will certainly build your character. Being successful in your character far outweighs being successful in your business, any day! (Wouldn’t you agree?)
We know 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 gives us three basic principles for conducting ourselves, as Christians. Let’s see how we can apply these basics of Christian code of conduct to our calling as Christian women business owners.
Here are 3 Codes of Conduct Every Christian Business Woman Should Follow…
#1 – Rejoice Always
This sounds relatively simple. To rejoice.
It means ‘to feel or show great delight.’
You know, I’ve found it’s super easy to rejoice when you have a waiting list of clients, steady stream of income, and a flow to your business that seems just heavenly. However what happens if this isn’t the case…can you still rejoice?
Rejoice when you’re just starting out and you have no clue what you’re doing.
Rejoice when you have no clients.
Rejoice when sales are dismal, at best.
Rejoice when your marketing efforts don’t bring in heavenly results.
Rejoicing can be hard when times are hard. So what does “rejoice always” look like, especially during the hard times in business?
It looks exactly the same, during the great times in business. Your focus is on God and his sovereignty in your business and life – regardless your current circumstances. In this, I truly believe God gives you a glimpse of your future glory and triumph, in business.
Rejoicing is not just walking in joy, but it’s also expressing it. You are to exclaim your great delight and exuberance for your current circumstances. This actually allows your focus to shift from you to God. By doing so, your strength will be renewed, faith refreshed, and trust in God reassured.
#2 – Pray Without Ceasing
Prayer is key to walking in total victory, in Jesus Christ! To put it plainly, prayer is a two-way conversation with God.
We talk. He listens.
He talks. We listen.
In that conversation, we make requests, give thanks, petition the heart of God, and we are to even listen for God’s response. So when we are given this Christian code of conduct as a business owner, we are essentially being told to talk to God without ceasing.
Here are some ways you can pray (or talk to God) about your business:
– Pray for clients you will enjoy working with
– Pray for your business associates’ growth and success
– Pray for revenue and the wisdom to handle the increase
– Pray for your spouse and children to be on board with your business
– Pray for witty ideas, creative solutions, and unique, effective strategies
#3 – Give Thanks In All Circumstances
This code of conduct relates very much with code of conduct #1 – to rejoice always, simply because it is something you should do regardless of your circumstances. And just like rejoicing, it requires you to take your focus off of yourself and keep it on God.
I know it can be hard to give thanks when your business money is funny, clients are either scarce or trippin,’ or you are at the crossroads of a major decision. Give thanks anyways.
Thank God when your money is acting funny.
Thank God when clients are scarce and trippin’.
Thank God when you’re at the crossroads of a major decision.
Here’s why! This gives God a chance to not only proven himself to you, but for you to be able to see his Glory and grace manifested in your business. I’m sure you know that when God shows up, he shows out! Your business will never be the same!
Rejoicing always, praying without ceasing, and giving thanks in all circumstances are not only codes of conduct Christians should walk in, they are principles that all Christian business women should be keen on cultivating daily.
If you get nothing else out of walking in your calling as a business woman, it’s this – God is using your business to develop Godly character in you.
Long after your business fades or is passed down to your children, your Godly character will remain. This has eternal value. It’s worth cultivating.
What are some other codes of conduct you believe Christian business women should cultivate? I’d love to hear your thoughts! Chime in!
- 3 Codes of Conduct Every Christian Business Should Follow - October 4, 2017
- 3 Ways To Evaluate and Guard Your Heart - December 29, 2013