Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. —John 16:24
The universe has been created in such a way that when we ask, if we ask in confidence in the name of Jesus, it will be given to us. Amazing, right?
God knows what we need even before we ask for it. Oftentimes though we are confused and we don’t know what we really want. We straggle from the path that leads to our destiny because we get pulled by distractions. We sometimes take the road most people take because we are scared to take the one that is meant for us. We are afraid to take risk due to fear of failure. So we turn our backs from our destiny.
But we can and will only excel if we follow our destiny. This we can achieve by asking. Ask yourself what it is that you really want. What is it that you always find yourself wanting? Even though you are busy doing other things, your mind wanders back to it again and again. What brings fire to your belly by just the mere thought of it? What keeps you awake at night wishing you’re out there doing it at that very moment?
Go out there and experiment if you’re not sure yet. Test yourself. Where would you excel, what are you good at?
Once you have figured it out, ask the Lord for it. Consult to Him. Seek the advice of the wise. Read books. Keep your eyes of faith open. God can speak to us in different ways.
Ask the Lord to provide you the means for it. Sometimes, what you need to make your destiny happen is already within you. You are already equipped. You are capable.
There is power in asking. The blur and confusion clears when you ask. The distractions and the non-essentials are eliminated if you ask what it is you really want. You confirm and validate your purpose if you keep on asking.
God will provide to you generously and faithfully. All you have to do is ask Him in confidence.
There is power in asking, and there is power in asking in His name.
Have you asked Him for it yet?