True love will build you up, not tear you down.
Author: The Praying Woman
Here are 7 Things To Do When Your Faith is Tested… The real test of faith is not how much we praise God when things are good, but how we respond when things are not so good.
The greatest test of faith is when you don’t get what you want, but still you are able to say “Thank you Lord”. Here are 5 Bible lessons of thankfulness…
Sometimes what we think is love is not really love at all. Have you ever prayed about a relationship you…
When we try to force relationships beyond their purpose, we will only end up disappointed. Here are 3 Ways to Tell if They Are In Your Life For a Reason, a Season, or a Lifetime
When we pray… God hears more than we say, He answers more than we ask, and He gives us more than we could ever imagine!
Being single doesn’t mean you’re available. Sometimes you have to put up a sign that says “Do not disturb. God is working on my heart.”
Godly relationships don’t just happen. They take two people who are committed to putting God first.
Trusting God means trusting that He knows what’s best for us even when we don’t get our way.
1. You’re on the rebound It’s possible you may be on the rebound and not even realize it. Did you…
Here are three reasons to be thankful for the times God says “No”… Just remember things don’t always go as planned, but trust that when they don’t…
One of the best feelings is to look back on how God brought you through, and suddenly you’re confident He’s going to do it again!
A relationship with God is the most important relationship you can have. Put God first and other healthy relationships will follow.
Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. – Ephesians 5:25 Of course, as…
Waiting can feel like the most dreadful time in our lives. Here are 4 Things To Do While You’re Waiting on God To Answer…
There comes a time in your life when you must decide whether to go to the next page or just close the chapter.
One of the best feelings is to look back on how God has brought you through, and suddenly you’re confident He’s going to do it again.
Wondering how to pray over your dating life? One of the biggest challenges in relationships is to make sure we are living out God’s will and not our own.
When your day starts with prayer and ends with prayer, there’s no need to worry about anything else in between.
Sometimes “you” are the only person standing in your way. Here are 7 Ways You May Be Standing in Your Own Way and Blocking Your Own Blessings…