Prayer Request:
I am in the beginning stages of a divorce. I have one child with my husband and a child from a previous relationship. Things are just BAD!! He has pushed me away, his kids away (he has 2 kids from a previous relationship) and he blames me/us for everything. He has never been supportive, loving, caring. He literally steals every ounce of joy that I have in life. And while I know in my heart he deserves so much better I also know that I can’t change him….only God can. I am trying to change my life and be more involved the church and have my children more involved and my husband just brings me down so low that I can’t function. I am supposed to be baptized this Sunday and I really want this to be the start of a new life for myself and my children….and while I know God doesn’t like divorce in my heart I feel that I can move on from this with God’s help. I would ask that you pray for me and for my family. Give us the strength to make these hard decisions and to be able to walk with God in everything we do! Thank you!!!
What are your thoughts? Any advice for this young lady?