“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” – Philippians 4:13
Within my journey of serving Christ, here are 5 things I’ve learned that I hope will help you on your journey as well:
1. You are no longer living for yourself.
You may have tried some things you are not so proud of. You have the choice to do anything you want. However, as you are reminded of God’s calling on your life, your conscience and the Holy Spirit will stir you up not to engage in such things especially now that you are now the ambassador of Christ to people around you. You are the representative of Christ and you can’t afford to misrepresent Him.
The bible reminds us, Then he said to them all: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow me (Luke 9:23)
Everyday you have to deny yourselves – your own feelings, wants, and needs to follow Christ. It might be difficult at the start but you have to remember that you are no longer living for yourself. You are the extension of God’s love to other people. So how can you waste your life if your role is to rescue the people who are longing for God’s love? You have to deny yourself because your mission is to serve and help other people.
2. Serving Him is my happy hour
Who says that serving Him is boring and a waste of time? Nothing beats doing what you love! Seeing people coming to know Christ is one of the greatest and priceless moments that I could ever have in my life as God used me as an instrument to reach out these people. It increases your compassion as you hear their life story and struggle in life. You became more selfless and more eager to live your calling.
3. You are a world changer
You have to see yourself as God’s chosen people (1 Peter 2:9) not just an ordinary person but an extraordinary one who will accomplish a great assignment: to transform this nation by making Christ known to every person. There’s no small and big task in the eyes of God. Your service to God no matter how small or big can lead to the transformation of the world. As long as you give it your heart, your labor will never be in vain.
4. Have a purpose bigger than yourself.
Sometimes due to activities that we are accomplishing in all areas of our lives – be it in school, family, career, dreams, and ministry – there are times that we experience physical exhaustion. That’s why it is important to know your purpose in life. What’s your purpose? Why are you helping other people and serving Jesus? You have to know the answer to these questions so that when trials and hardships come you’ll be reminded why you are pushing forward: your purpose. We love God and other people (Matthew 22:37-39) that’s why we will keep on serving Him and reaching out to other people.
5. Be a finisher
Be not only a starter, but also a finisher. Finish what you have started. God is never blind to what you are doing. He knows you and even the desires of your heart. So even when the challenges come, just continue running the race because you have an amazing and great God who will never leave you nor forsake you. Declare that you are a finisher and you will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.