Making decisions can be difficult at times. Including God in your decisions will save you a lot of heartache and disappointment.
Search Results: (1462)
We don’t always like what we hear. How we respond makes all the difference. Here are 4 ways to respond when criticism hurts…
Meet Hester Ford. She has dementia, yet, she can still perfectly recite Bible Verses. Psalm 23 is her favorite. Watch as she recites it flawlessly…
The enemy doesn’t have any power over us when we know how to fight back the right way.
Here are four ways to fight your way through a spiritual battle…
God always knows how to miraculously provide just when we need it! Here are four Biblical things to do when you’re in a financial crisis…
Never think that what you have to offer is insignificant. There will always be someone out there that needs what you have to give.
Here are 4 Ways we Deal With Pain and Suffering… If you’re in a season of pain and suffering, just remember, your pain won’t last forever!
Turbulent times can shake us to our core. But when we remember God’s faithfulness, we find our fears calmed and our confidence renewed.
Here are 4 Things We Should Include In Our Daily Prayers : Let this be a guide for your daily prayers. Most people skip right over #4.
When you’re scared of the unknown, just remember to pray your way through. When you focus on problems, you’ll create them. When you focus on God, He’ll solve them!
Here are 4 Topics Every Christian Couple Should Discuss before Marriage… There comes a time in your life when you must decide…
God’s Plan vs. Our Plan… How do you know the difference? We go wrong when we try to figure everything out on our own. Turn to God, He has a plan!
Here are five Keys To Moving On From Past Mistakes: Don’t get discouraged. God knows every secret about you, yet He still loves you.
Here are 4 Types Of Relationships You Should Run From: Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.” – 1 Corinthians 15:33
Here are 5 Ways We Often Misjudge People… There’s a story behind every person. Often, much more than the eyes can read.
Here are three Awesome Examples Of Grace In The Bible… Just remember, God doesn’t owe us anything. He didn’t have to, but He did!
There are so many advantages to joining a small group. Here are four reasons you should seriously consider joining a small group…
If you are going through the spirit of loneliness you are not alone. Just as God delivered me, He will do the same for you.
Here are 3 Things I Want Single Christians to Know… No matter what your status is just remember, everything God is preparing you for is worth the wait.
Trusting God with your love life? When you realize what matters the most, you won’t settle for little things that don’t matter at all.