5 Biblical Truths To Overcome a Crisis With Christ
Let me remind you that you are more than a conqueror in Christ. But when crisis hits us we seem to forget that.
Crisis pressures us and leaves us feeling hopeless and helpless because when faced with crisis we tend to disregard God’s promises and sometimes diminish our identity in Christ.
But here’s the thing, if we truly desire to experience a life of abundance as God has purposed, we must learn how to victoriously overcome crisis.
I know what some of you may be thinking: but why does God have to allow things that hurts and pains us to get His purpose?
Well… here’s my answer: While God can prevent crisis, He’s often chosen not to, BUT… According to scripture, He works all things together for good to those that love Him and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)
Whenever I remember this scripture, these questions come to mind:
What if God allowed crisis as a way for us to further discover our true identity in Him?
What if crisis was our opportunity to put scriptures to practice?
What if our promises and blessings could also be realized through crisis?
What if crisis brought us one step closer to God?
If there is any truth to these inquiries, than it’s equally true that we need to learn how to respond to crisis in a way that allows us to reap its many blessings.
The best way to do that is by maintaining a Christ-like attitude in the midst of Crisis.
Here are 5 Biblical Truths To Overcome a Crisis With Christ…
1. Be still and know that He is God (Psalms 46:10)
Where is God? This is probably one of the first questions we ask during crisis.
We may not get a clear and direct answer from God. However, one thing is for sure, He’s not the author of confusion.
God made the heavens and the earth… and He said, “It was good.” While He didn’t purpose crisis nor the pain, anxiety and fear that it produces, He will use it to help us bear spiritual fruits.
In a crisis, we tend to seek and pursuit God in ways we’ve never done before. It has a way of drawing us near to God–where He finds us being still and knowing that He is God.
2. He will never leave you nor forsake you. (Deuteronomy 31:6)
Crisis can make us feel alone. It may even feel like God has abandoned us. We await to hear from Him or even to witness a miracle. When nothing happens, we are convinced that God is unavailable.
But what we must grasp is that God is more concerned about the person we are becoming in the crisis, than He is about ending it.
Crisis has a way of renewing our minds, and sometimes offering us a Godly perspective. It has a way of revealing qualities that help to refine and develop our true character in Christ.
It is during that crisis that we are introduced to a better version of ourselves–a self full of strength, courage and perseverance.
3. The enemy is always busy (1 Peter 5:8)
Sometimes the crisis we face may be a result of a lie.
Our real enemy- satan is the father of lies and awaits every opportunity to destroy us with them. However, the effects of his lies will totally depend on our response.
I know it’s not easy to stay positive in the midst of crisis, but you will be amazed on how God can create good from where the enemy meant evil.
It’s also important that our response is in line with God’s will.
4. He’s already made a way out (1 Corinthians 10:13)
Let’s face it…. some crisis are the direct results of our own doings. We involve ourselves in things we shouldn’t and hope that it works in our favor.
But here’s the problem… such involvement is an open invitation to evil.
The Bible tells us that the devil is like a roaring lion seeking to devour us. When we allow temptation of sin to overcome us, we give the evil one permission to attack us.
Think about how many times you have knowingly did wrong , but for some reason, you expected your wrong doings to have a good ending.
The good news is that even in our self-inflicted crisis, we can turn to God. He will answer us, He will forgive us, and He will heal us.
5. No good thing will He withhold from you (Psalms 84:11)
Crisis can sometimes cause us to forfeit God’s blessings.
For example, this often happens in the area of relationships when we feel like a once in life time opportunity might be lost.
We turn no good relationships into miserable marriages because we believe it’s our only ticket to be married. This is not God’s way.
He doesn’t want us to settle for anything that will devalue us and take away from His relationship with us.
Our relationships with others will never be perfect, but they should be fruitful. This is only possible when the two are resting and believing in the God’s truths.
While crisis in the physical realm will produce pains and displeasures, in the spiritual realm, it is doing the work of renewing our minds to be more Christ-like.
- Sharing a Little Faith During the Pandemic - August 6, 2020
- Why Should I Pray if God Knows Everything? - April 4, 2017
- 5 Biblical Truths To Remember in Times of Crisis - December 5, 2016